Quick Tip – Bookmarks With Online Primary Sources


Just a quick tip if you happen to be doing on-line research within primary sources.  Two very common sources for any type of Biblical Studies are the Loeb Classical Library and the Perseus Digital Library.

Sometimes, tracking down a specific reference can be quite tedious.  This is the case with the online version of the Loeb Classical Library which doesn’t allow searches by reference number (i.e. Jewish Antiquities 1.219)

Bookmark It!

Once you find the reference and retrieve your information, you never know if you might need to use it again at some point in the future.  If so, your best bet is to bookmark the page (Ant. 1.219) and slip it under a folder for Research (i.e. Subfolder Josephus)

Who knows, unless you have a copy of the relevant pages (physically or PDF) you might have to return to the same reference several times in your research.  This is the case with a key text you have to exegete.

Happy researching.


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