PhD Tips: Ideas For Dissertation Topics #3


This is the third article in the ideas for dissertation topics series.

Essentially, in my study of Luke-Acts and 1 Peter, I run across potential topic threads to follow which either fall out of the scope of my study or I don’t have time to pursue.

Thus, without further delay, here is a potential dissertation topic idea in New Testament leadership.  (Again, I make no claim as to the actual viability of this topic idea!)

Luke and Leadership

In Luke 22:13-30, Jesus sits down to eat his last meal with his disciples, which then proceeds to a dispute centered around who is the greatest.  Jesus turns their dispute into a discussion comparing Christian leaders with those of the Greco-Roman world.

The potential dissertation topic idea is to do a socio-historical and exegetical study on Luke’s conception of leadership based on this passage.

A good model to follow is Andrew Clark’s, Secular and Christian Leadership in Corinth, which is a socio-historical study of 1 Corinthians 1-6.

Clark compares and contrasts Paul’s conception of leadership in these first chapters with that of the Greco-Roman world.

Sample Chapters

Some sample chapters could include:

  1. An exegetical chapter on Luke 22:13-30
  2. A socio-historical study on “kings of the Gentiles” and “Benefactors” using primary sources and inscriptions of the Greco-Roman world
  3. A summary of the profile and practice of Greco-Roman leaders based on the previous chapter
  4. An analysis of Luke’s conception of leadership from other passages in Luke-Acts
  5. A comparison of Luke’s conception of leadership vs. the Greco-Roman conception

Interesting aspects of this passage

There are some additional interesting aspects of this passage, which could be weaved into the thesis:

For example, Luke places this discussion on leadership at the Last Supper. This is decidedly different from the contexts in which it is found in the other gospels.  (See Mark 10:42-45 and Matt 20:25-28).  Why is that?

Secondly, this Last Supper narrative is considered a farewell discourse.  This genre heightens the last words of a dying person, furthering increasing the import of Jesus’ words to his disciples about leadership.

Is there some aspect of the genre that could be added to your study?


Well that’s about all for this post.  Hopefully some aspect of this article can be helpful as you tackle the task of coming up with a viable dissertation topic.

In the meantime, happy researching!

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4 Responses to PhD Tips: Ideas For Dissertation Topics #3

  1. Brad says:

    Im currently working on my MTh and am looking into what I will write my thesis on. I am considering writing on Jesus’ Ascension. I thought, because you are a Luke/Acts man you might be able to give me some ideas of a more focussed question.
    Some ideas are looking at the implications of the “right hand of God” – Mark 16:19, and possibly expanding into other “seated at the right hand of God comments” in the NT.
    Or perhaps looking at whether the ascension was seen at the time through a Greco-Roman mindset as ‘apotheosis’ or if it was seen through an OT mindset – Dan 7 etc.

    I definitely want my thesis to have at least a component which requires me to use Greek
    Im hoping you might have some other ideas!

    • Brad:

      Regarding your question on a thesis idea.

      I have a few questions before I can give you my own take.

      Will your main text of study be in Acts 1:9-11? or will you be starting
      with Mark 16:19?

      I’m assuming you know Mark 16:19 is part of a disputed text that few
      believe was part of the earliest manuscripts (even conservative scholars).

      If you are starting with Mark 16:19, then your focus is no longer Luke/Acts.

      Your second research question is valid? How was the ascencion viewed at
      the time that it occurred? You can let your research take you where it
      will to answer the question. I suspect, however, that whatever you find
      will be more tilted toward the Old Testament.

      While many have argued for Greco-Roman influences on a Gentile writer like
      “Luke”, I can tell you that after pouring over his work over the last
      three years, he is thoroughly indebted to the Septuagint and to the
      preservation of Jesus’ and the gospel’s Jewish identity when he writes.

      Write me at and we can take our discussion offline.


  2. Pingback: Summary and links to “Finding a Dissertation Topic” articles | Phd Tips and Dissertation Advice

  3. Thank you very much for your dissertation note. I am looking for a dissertation title on LEADERSHIP ( Ph.D) level. struggling what to write on. could you help me out, by suggesting some sample titles.


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